Everyday Bible

The Bible app is easy to use, a lot of features and characteristics that will make it your favorite application for reading the Holy Bible every day. By the Bible Society of Egypt.

الصفحة الرئيسية للتطبيق الصفحة الرئيسية للتطبيق

App Features

صفحة الإستماع صفحة الإستماع
تحميل الملفات الصوتية

Download Audio Files

You can listen offline after downloading the audio files.

قراءة النص بدون انترنت

Offline Reading.

You can read offline after downloading the app.

معاني الكلمات الصعبة

Difficult words Meanings.

Displaying the meanings of difficult words embedded in text , just click or hovering on difficult words and getting a quick definition right away.

الشواهد المقابلة

Cross References

Cross references on the same reading page.

عناوين الفقرات

Paragraph Titles

Paragraph titles to assist during reading.

الاستماع بجودة عالية

High-quality listening

High-quality listening with automatic highlighted verse.

بحث متقدم

Advanced Search

Ability to search for any word in the Bible.

الاستماع المتواصل

Continuous Listening

Ability to continuously listen to the entire book.

صفحة البحث للتطبيق صفحة البحث للتطبيق
عرض تلقائي لآية واحدة

Automatic display of a single verse

Automatic display of a single verse in large font on the screen during listening.



Ability to control font size, type, and to display each verse on a single line...etc.

سرعة القراءة

Reading Speed Rate

Control over the reading speed during listening.

إظهار وترتيب المصادر

Resources Settings

Easy control over displaying and arranging resources related to the word or verse.

آية اليوم

Verse Of The Day

Display the verse of the day with an image.

مشاركة الآيات

Sharing Verses

Ability to select one or more verses to share with others.

تغير وضع المظهر

Change Themes

Switching between the theme’s modes (light - dark - eye comfort).

تشغيل موسيقى

Play Music Background

Ability to turn on/off a light music background during listening.

With future plans for further development and additional useful features.